One step closer to achieving your business school goals .

My services.

  • Pre-Application Strategy

    Work with me to develop a step-by-step timeline on how to manage your business school application process. Determine which schools to apply to, how many schools to target in each round, and how to structure your time leading up to application deadlines.

    Calendar milestones will be tailored to each client based on application round, number of schools, and any preparation the candidate has done thus far.

  • Resume Building

    It is a misconception that a pre-existing professional resume can be used as is for an MBA application. An MBA application resume is unique in that it focuses on your business impact, leadership potential, and collaboration skills rather than specific qualifications or functional skills.

    Work with me to tailor your resume to your story & stand out to admissions officers. Be ready to take on additional extracurriculars if your story does not come together with existing experience.

  • Recommender Packages

    The best MBA recommendations support and reinforce the rest of your business school application by providing specific details about your work experience and personal qualities. It is critical to prepare your recommenders with all information necessary to write a strong letter of recommendation (e.g., resume, clearly stated short and long term goals, etc.).

    I will provide recommender package templates to ease the process for applicants.

  • Essay Strategy + Editing

    What is your story? How do you want to stand out amongst a pool of qualified applicants? Work with me to understand how to weave together your personal background, extracurricular involvement, and career experience to develop a compelling story for your MBA applications.

    This portion of the application will require significant pre-work and self reflection. Be prepared to iterate over your essays several times!

  • Mock Interviews

    Once applicants have been selected for interviews (an impressive feat!), admissions officers will be looking to see if the applicant has the personality traits to excel in their MBA programs and beyond. Applicants will have the opportunity to run through a practice interview with me beforehand to simulate the true interview environment and receive feedback on answers/performance prior to the real thing.

Applying through the Consortium?

The Consortium’s mission is to enhance diversity and inclusion in global business education and leadership by striving to reduce the significant underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans in their member schools’ enrollments and the ranks of global management. Read more about the Consortium and how to apply here.

I was a Consortium applicant myself and am happy to help other Consortium applicants with their MBA applications!